The SmartCommute™

The average cityhuman spends 10,634 hours travelling to and from work. Yes. Do the math: that's more than a year of your entire life! So it makes sense to build something specifically around that experience.

The SmartCommute™ is a fully automatic assistant to help you with one of the biggest pains of urban living: the daily commute.

Set Home and Work to begin

We will figure out the best commutes for you. Because: robots.

On your homescreen

The personal commute dashboard is on your homescreen, with:

- Live ETA: see exactly when you will get to work

- Departure Times: optimise when to leave the house / work

- Disruptions & Delays: quickly check if your commute is ok, or find alternatives

- Weather: why not


Smart Location

Depending on your location and the time of day, we'll automatically show the correct Commute. Because: robots. 


Edit your commute routes

If you don't like our suggestions, feel free to add or delete them to perfect your commute dashboard.


So cool, that SmartCommute™. Don't leave home without it.